
Upcoming events

Am I making myself clear? with John Brigg

Saturday 4. May at 10:00 - 13:00

Centre sociétaire St Jean (Belair) • 110 avenue Gaston Diderich, 1420 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Places are limited. Registration here. Price: 10 euros (free for members of Writers Who Talk asbl. 

A workshop to improve reading and speaking skills when reading your work in public led by John Brigg

Do you feel intimidated when asked to speak to a group of people?
Do you feel you’re not ‘getting through’ when reading to people?
Are you glad when you get to the end of your piece?
Is English not your native tongue?
If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the above, then this workshop could well be for you. We shall be looking at the mechanisms of speaking aloud and exploring techniques for improving the way you speak, as well as how to ‘read ahead’ before a live audience. There will be individual and group exercises, and everyone will have the opportunity to read some of their own work aloud in a stress-free, supportive and fun environment.

About the facilitator:
John Brigg has been involved in theatre in Luxembourg for over 30 years and has amassed over 2.000 hours of theatre tuition, mostly through his involvement with the LEATSS theatre summer school. He has been involved in all aspects of theatre production, and although he enjoys acting, he prefers directing and teaching. He has given numerous workshops on various topics to schools, adults, clubs and companies and is looking forward to imparting some of the skills learned to his fellow writers who talk.

The venue:
Centre Sociétaire St. Jean is next to the Belair church, easily accessible by both public transport and car. The closest bus stop is Belair Kierch.

Silent writing sessions at BNL 

Next monthly sessions: Monday 13. May at 18:15. For June the date is still to be determined

The events are free but registration is required through this link for organisational reasons.

If you're looking for a little boost of your creativity and and hour of peace and quiet to just WRITE, we invite you to join us once per month to do just that. So bring your writing tools and meet us in front of the (BNL) National Library Luxembourg. Those who wish to do so can join us for a drink and a chat afterwards.

Practical information:
The meeting point is the entrance hall (near the couches). The writing will take place in the reading area. After we meet, we will proceed in silence in the reading area to one of the tables (most probably back of the 3rd floor).
More organisational details will be provided upon registration.